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Kim Després-Villard


Having unearthed many intriguing rusty metal objects amongst the ruins adjacent to her Provencal home, Kim recognized, that arranged properly, these could print a base for her paintings. The objects are laid out on rugged paper and let sit for several weeks outdoors, allowing the rust to migrate onto the paper. She then paints into them.

Kim was inspired by the work of Guy Breniaux whom she met through the UN in his studio near Geneva, Switzerland in 1986. 

This medium combines  printmaking and painting, satisfying two of her artistic interests.


Artist Statement


Reforestation Series: Oxydogravure and Mixed Media on Paper


The space between trees; random abstractions.

Peaks of sky/dense forest floor, light /darkness, contrasting tangled elements.


The overwhelming amount of chaos in nature is apparent in unkempt woodland, this lays  the foundation for the series.



For a current catalog of her oxydogravures please contact the artist directly via email.

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